Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Taking a sickie to cheer on England?

THE latest piece of useless research to come by email states that workers in Scotland are least likely to pull a sickie during the World Cup - no surprise there then!
The survey, carried out by Continental Tyres, reckons one in five Scottish workers will pull a sickie this summer as England attempt to lift the World Cup in South Africa - but I think they are more likely to go to work to get away from the hype!
Anyway, bosses beware - during the World Cup a cheeky one in six workers will lie and say their car won’t start, have a sudden bout of food poisoning or simply feel dizzy. One in 20 will even blame a death in the family for keeping them off work.
The survey also reckons that a quarter of women won’t watch the World Cup because David Beckham isn’t playing.

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