Thursday, July 30, 2009

Top Ten Tips for Staying Free of Flu

CASES of swine flu in the Borders are increasing and the reality is that it will be coming to an office, school or home near you.
However, as with any flu, there are some very sensible steps you can take to make sure that you don’t get ill in the first place – or if you do, you don’t get hit too badly.
1. Stay healthy – Eat well, sleep well and stay hydrated. Avoid excessive stress, maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise.
2. Boost your immune system – Take supplements that are proven immune boosters. Don’t wait to get ill, protect yourself with Immulina – the latest and most powerful natural immune booster on the market with respect to macrophage activation.
3. Cleanliness is next to Godliness - Maintain cleanliness, carry disinfectant for your hands and remember not to touch your face.
4. A clean environment is as good as a clean person - The H1N1 virus can be passed from person to person by coughing or sneezing but it can also be passed by touching and an object, such as a door handle, which has the virus on it. Clean hard surfaces frequently using a normal cleaning product.
5. Avoid people who are infected - This does not mean you need to get out the gas mask every time somebody sneezes but if somebody you know is infected you can help them without getting yourself ill.
6. Settle down while the virus is at its peak - Avoid excessive exposure to clubs and bars and other places where drinking and/or smoking weaken your immune system and expose you to greater risk of infection.
7. Plan ahead - Stay away from public transport as much as possible and avoid unnecessary travel, especially during rush hours!
8. Keep your office and home well ventilated – This will minimise exposure to airborne viruses that may be coming from workmates/family.
9. Tell them not to be a hero - Persuade ill colleagues to stay at home if they suspect they are infected as coming in could see the whole office out of action.
10. Put social graces aside - Do the dainty ‘air kiss’ greeting instead and make sure you have antibacterial gel nearby if you need to shake hands

Hollywood comes to Duns!

I'VE always championed Berwickshire as one of the most beautiful parts of Scotland with some wonderful scenery and attractions so it is great to see Manderston, near Duns, being used as the setting for another new film.
I am sure Richard E. Grant and Sarah Brightman will agree that Manderston is a superb location for a film and hopefully they get to see more of our pictureque countryside.
The filming of 'Cosi' can only benefit the local economy. With over 90 cast and crew staying in the area for the duration of the film shoot local businesses will certainly enjoy the spin-offs.

Guinea pigs could be the new pet trend

ISN'T is amazing how a new movie can create the latest craze.
It is now feared that a rise in guinea pig ownership, following the release of the new G-Force movie, could have serious animal welfare consequences.
The Disney film released this week features animated guinea pig characters as heroes and leading veterinary charity PDSA are worried that young animal lovers will be unable to differentiate between reality and fiction, and are warning that no family should take on a pet without fully understanding the responsibilities involved.
What is the world coming to?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fallago Rig inquiry farce

THE U-turn by the Ministry of Defence is just the latest twist in the controversy surrounding last year's public inquiry into plans for a wind farm at Fallago Rig in our beautiful Lammermuir Hills.
Both Scottish Borders Council and East Lothian Council opposed the planning application for the 48-turbine development and it was 18 months ago that the public inquiry into the plans was held in Duns.
The Reporter was due to publish her findings in June of last year. However, we have heard absolutely nothing from her.
There have been accusations that the developers, North British Wind Power, and the Scottish Government have been working in secret to come to some solution to allow the wind farm to go ahead.
Now, lo and behold, the MoD have dropped their objections to the plans and experts now reckon that this paves the way for the plan to be approved.
It all seems a little cloak and dagger to me and it is quite understandable the some of those opposing the plan are calling for a second public inquiry to hear the MoD's 'new evidence'.
Surely this has to be done!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Your money, you choose!

THE Co-operative Bank has revealed our thoughts on what our money should look like.
Following recent news that future £50 notes will feature Scottish engineer James Watt and Matthew Boulton and that Henry VIII will appear on limited edition £5 coins, new research by The Co-operative Bank Current Accounts reveals who the nation really wants to see on our bank notes.
Top ten dream ‘faces’ of UK bank notes:
Prince William (14.5%)
Stephen Fry (10.9%)
Ant & Dec (8.6%)
Prince Charles (7.8%)
Richard Branson (5.1%)
David Beckham (4.6%)
Simon Cowell (4.5%)
Bruce Forsyth (3.2%)
Cheryl Cole (3%)
Boris Johnson (2.2%)
The study also found that when spending more than five pounds, 52% of people in the UK prefer to use their cards instead of cash. Surprisingly, on average, the maximum spend per transaction on cash from men is £450 whereas for women its £310.
At any one time women tend to carry around an average of £24 in cash, whereas men carry £31 cash. Unsurprisingly, most women believe they spend their money quicker when using cards (52%), whilst most men think cash is easier to spend (53%).
The results also reveal that the UK’s favourite bank note is the £20 (40%), followed by the tenner (28%), the £50 (17%) and the good old fiver (14%). However, 43% of people would like to see the 1p scraped, followed by 5p (26%), 2p (19%), 10p (3.9%), 20p (3.6%), £1 (2.4%) and even the 50p coin (1.6%).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Were the Moon landings faked?

MONDAY (July 20) marks the 40th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing and Glasgow Science Centre is celebrating this momentous occasion with a special one-day event to debunk the conspiracy theories surrounding the lunar landings.
40 years ago, millions of people around the world waited with baited breath as three men embarked on an epic journey. Crowded around TVs and radios, people united for the single moment when Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the Moon and heard him utter the words that have travelled through space and time to the present day: “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. But did man land on the Moon on the 20th of July 1969?
For decades there have been conspiracy theories suggesting that some or all elements of the Apollo 11 mission were faked by NASA. Several motives for the hoax include: America’s determination to beat Russia in the Space Race, to provide the American public a distraction from the growing Vietnam War or to fulfil the promise made by John F Kennedy that a man would land on the Moon before the end of the decade.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Swine flu outbreak

I DIDN'T think it would be along before the Borders was hit by the swine flu outbreak. NHS Borders Public Health Team are monitoring the situation very closely here and are working in line with the national guidelines. It is important that anyone who thinks they may have the symptoms do not go to their GP surgery or hospital. They should stay at home and call NHS 24 on 0845 4242424 or their GP.

Hall campaign victory

SCOTTISH Borders Council have decided to reverse their decision over the lease of Duns Volunteer Hall and this is surely a victory for commonsense.
Councillor Frances Renton saw her motion successfully passed and the campaigning group of hall users can celebrate a successful end to all their hard work.
It just goes to show what the local community can do when they pull together for a worthy cause - power to the people!