Thursday, January 28, 2010

Scottish motorists most likely to hit animals

NEW research into the types of crashes motorists have has shown people in Scotland are the most likely in the UK to hit an animal.
Although rear end bumps are by far the most common road accidents, car insurance specialist looked into the more unusual types of incidents, in particular where they happen. looked at data from over 1.3 million claims over five years and found the top five postcode areas for accidents involving animals were all in Scotland.
Some of the unusual claims were more of a surprise and include incidents of motorists hitting badgers, swans, horses, cows and even monkeys. One policyholder even struck a rabbit which despite its small size, wrote off the car!
The Galashiels area was the fourth worst in the UK for cars hitting trees while Berwick was the fourth worst for hitting walls!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The voice of rugby Bill McLaren

EVEN if you are not a rugby fan you loved Bill McLaren who sadly died in his home town of Hawick earlier this week at the age of 86.
Scotland has lost 'the voice of rugby' and we will all miss the pearls of wisdom which made his commentaries legendary.
No-one loved his sport more. His knowledge was encyclopaedic, his attention to detail was extraordinary and his ability to recall facts and figures unrivalled.
The world of sport and broadcastling has lost a true legend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow angels!

PROOF this week, if it were needed, that faced with adversity people rise to the challenge - and succeed.
Proof also that community spirit is alive and well in Berwickshire and the Borders, whether it is helping to keep elderly neighbours fed and warm; collecting prescriptions for those unable to get out or banding together to clear roads where the gritters feared to venture.
The big freeze has brought out the best in some of the good hearted people around the district and Scottish Borders workermn, NHS Borders staff and many nothjers have gone beyond the call of duty. Well done to all of you.
Unfortunately, one victim of the weather was the Berwickshire News!
For the first time in living memory, the paper - along with a number of others including our sister titles the Berwickshire Advertiser and Southern Reporter - printed at Sunderland did not hit the shelves last Thursday.
The vans bringing the papers north were stopped south of Berwick in the early hours of last Thursday morning and a combination of roads closed due to snow and vehicles being stuck meant the distribution company which delivers the titles was unable to get them here.
Apologies to all readers - we hope that picking up the paper a day later did not spoil your enjoyment.